TRAFFORD primary schools are among the best in the country according to the latest key stage two league tables.

The borough secured the highest average score in the year six tests out of any educational authority in Greater Manchester with 254 points.

It also recorded a higher percentage of youngsters gaining level five in English, maths and science than anywhere else in the north west with 39 per cent, 42 per cent and 52 per cent respectively.

Our Lady of the Rosary School in Davyhulme was the only school in Trafford to gain a perfect score of 300 - worked out by a formula incorporating the number of pupils achieving the expected score and the number eligible to take the test.

Mary Culliney, headteacher, said: "It is the second year running we have achieved this. I think it is recognition of all the hard work put in by not just the children and staff but also by the governors and parents. It is all about working together as a team.

"It takes a lot of effort and hard work for all the children to achieve level four or above. They want to achieve because they are proud of the school."

But despite the success Miss Culliney is not a fan of the league table system.

She added: "I hate league tables. I think it paints the wrong picture of a school. There is much more than academic results."

With a score of 102.3, St Joseph's Primary School had the highest value added score demonstrating the advancement of pupils from key stage one to key stage two.

Trafford overall recorded an average value added score of 100.23 - the second highest outside of London.