TRAFFORD council is a low cost and well performing council, delivering value for money services - according to external inspectors.

The Audit Commission's annual assessment found Trafford was performing consistently well on its use of resources. It has improved on its position 12 months ago, by getting an overall score of three out of a possible four - in spite of receiving one of the lowest government grants for any metropolitan authority.

Council leader, Cllr Susan Williams, said: "Trafford has one of the lowest council taxes in the country and we receive one of the lowest government grants. We now have external endorsement to say that we manage limited funding economically, efficiently and effectively to provide high quality, value for money services."

She added: "We know there's still room to do more and we are already working on the inspectors' recommendations for further improvements. Yet again we face a difficult budget round for 2007/8 but we will continue to demonstrate to Trafford people we offer value for money."

Inspectors also commended the council on sustaining its track record of producing financial statements within tighter deadlines and their sound budgeting, capital programme and financial strategy; stating in their report: "The council actively promotes probity and propriety in the conduct of its business."