I could have written this final column as soon as I got back from my visit to the Hairy Queens, but decided that it was best to calm down a little, relax and let my blood pressure drop.

Was I angry at the performance? Actually, no, it wasn't that.

Three things annoyed me intensely.

Firstly the attitude of our management in offering up our youngsters as pragmatic sacrifices, and secondly the refusal, yet again, to give Steve Hanley a game and lastly attitude of some of our fans, who on the face of things, will happily kick a dog when it's down.

Was it a good performance? No, but that for me is forgivable.

Were the selections justifiable? No, and that for me is not.

I have been a constant champion of our young lads and have consistently called for them to be given more game time this season.

You can have all the talent and potential in the world, but that counts for nothing unless you have the experience to back it up.

How do you get the experience? You get it through time spent on the pitch playing alongside your senior colleagues.

Why haven't we seen more of these young men this season? Well, because we've been told by Philippe Saint-Andre that he would only introduce them when he felt they ready.

So, were they all suddenly and miraculously ready on Saturday? Had they all taken experience' pills?

Of course not. You can't throw together a team of 19, 20 and 21-year-olds and expect them to take on a full-strength Quins side with the likes of Andrew Mehrtens and Andre Vos.

More to the point, you can't throw them all on at once. It's just not right.

It was all but inevitable that we'd get a drubbing. Yes it was a little bit embarrassing, especially as the brother-in-law's a Quins fan. Still, I can live with that.

What worries and saddens me more is the potential damage this might've done to the lads.

How long is it going to take for them to get their confidence back?

I spoke to one or two of them after the game and they looked haunted. They apologised for the performance.

I think if any apologies are due, then they should come from elsewhere. The responsibility for any long-term psychological effects on the youngsters rests firmly with the management.

No-one who was at the Stoop could ever doubt their spirit, determination and grit. They gave their all and that is all a supporter can ever ask.

Coxy came on when we were already 37 points down, but you'd never have known that from his manner.

That's what comes from experience. Some of the younger lads' heads dropped and you can understand why.

I just hope that some of the older lads gave them support and a comforting shoulder.

They will learn from this, without any doubt, but it shouldn't have happened.

We were told afterwards that some of the older players were exhausted after a long and gruelling season. I can accept that, but what I cannot accept is that my team rest players as a favour to England.

I'm sorry, but for me charity begins at home. I pay to watch my team and believe we already give more than enough to the RFU.

Steve Hanley is one of life's good guys. He's also the Premiership's leading try scorer, yet he's barely had a look in this season.

He's big, blisteringly quick and a real handful when he's flying down the wing but for some reason he never seems to get a chance to showcase these qualities.

Why is this? Why isn't he given a chance when the game was crying out for someone like him?

I wish I knew the answer.

He's exactly the type of wise old head that the lads could have done with on Saturday. A man to cajole, encourage and also inspire.

It must be extremely frustrating to sit and watch and not be given a chance. Let's hope he finally gets the chance to shine next season.

I'm no apologist for the club, nor am I a lovie' as someone has kindly called me. What I am is a passionate supporter of my team.

As a supporter I accept the lows as well as taking the highs should they come around. This is a professional sport in which no result is ever guaranteed.

If you lose, you learn from the experience and then move on. You don't demand your money back, nor moan like drains on message boards.

These young lads were sacrificed at the weekend and have probably had all confidence knocked out of them. The last thing they need is for their supporters to publicly criticise them.

If you want to have a go at anyone, then vent your spleen on the management - the ones who make the decisions.

If you truly believe in your team then vote with your feet and get on down to the Caldy Sevens this weekend and cheer on these same youngsters.

They need your support and deserve it.