A CONTROVERSIAL application to erect a Muslim community centre on Timperley green belt has been withdrawn.

The application for a 2,000sqm two-storey building centre put forward by the Altrincham and Hale Muslim Association (AHMA) was withdrawn on Wednesday January 11.

The proposals have attracted a lot of opposition since being unveiled last year, with more than 2,000 people signing a petition calling for Trafford Council to throw out the plans and hundreds of people turning out a demonstration at the site.

The community centre was to replace AHMA’s Islamic Cultural Centre at the former St David’s Church in Grove Lane, which has been deemed no longer fit for purpose due to the association’s growing community.

The association said it has a real need for a new and bespoke centre and highlighted that it would be multi-purpose and open to all.

All documents pertaining to the application have been removed from the council's website.

It is not clear as to why the plans have been withdrawn.

A representative for AHMA has been contacted.