WELL, at long last Premiership rugby returns to Edgeley Park.

It's been the longest summer I can ever remember, if in fact we ever had one, and I can honestly say I think I'd sooner give up the moonshine than go as long again without my rugby.

Last week at Kingston Park Sale failed to turn up and were given a mauling by the Falcons and treated to a masterclass in stand- off play by young Toby Flood.

The intention may well have been to hit the ground running, but Sale merely hit the ground. We looked flat, tired, devoid of ideas and dispirited.

Many, and I count myself amongst them, feared that that defeat would prove to be a psychological stumbling block which would be difficult to surmount.

Would the team be able to lift itself after such a comprehensive defeat and come out fighting?

Well, happily I can report that my fears were unfounded - we won the Bristol game and more importantly I think we won with relative ease. Had our place kicking been up to its usual standard we would've won comfortably.

There was more of a sense of urgency to our play this week. We hit rucks with power and pace and cleared them out far more effectively than last week.

Our lineout functioned well with Sean Cox putting in another commanding display and we were able to disrupt their set piece and turn the ball over.

Our back line played with much more fluidity than it has for some time, helped by quick and accurate ball from Lilo and some superb kicking out of hand by Charlie.

Overall we actually looked like a team that meant business and had belief in its own abilities.

I know many would say that it wasn't a gilt-edged performance and that there was a general lack of penetration from both sides.

Yes I grant you it wasn't the type of game that had you perching on the edge of your seat drooling over the quality of the rugby. The weather pretty much put paid to that.

We played the conditions as effectively as we could and Charlie Hodgson pulled all the strings, nullifying Bristol's normally effective rush defence with astute kicking.

Sure it would've been nice to see some variation in tactics rather than relying solely on the use of the up and under, but it was effective. We were undone last week by an inability to deal with the lofted ball. At least we seem to have learned some lessons.

There were positive and promising signs that need to be built upon. Sale managed to keep Bristol on the back foot for most of the match.

We kept Dan Ward Smith quiet which is an achievement in itself. He was well marshalled throughout the game by Magnus Lund and Chris Jones, though I'm not sure if Maggie knows what day it is now after that massive hit he put in on the muscular Bristol number 8.

Lee Robinson, Bristol's dangerous winger, was hardly given a sniff of the ball and on the few occasions where he was able to run the ball back at Sale he was summarily dealt with by the resurgent Steve Hanley, who's beginning to look more like the player of old.

Ben Foden seems to be settling in to his unaccustomed role at full back. He always poses a threat because of his speed and agility and he took every opportunity to run the ball back at the opposition.

His touch down during the second quarter of the game was the highlight of the match, coming after a lovely pass from Charlie and a neat flick on from Lilo - maybe Jos Baxendell's influence is already starting to produce results?

Sean Cox continues to impress with every game he plays. He has the big match temperament and never takes a backward step. He stole more line out ball during the game than I think we managed for most of last season.

Lilo Martens brings a physicality to our game and offers something different at number 9. He has the ability to deliver quick and accurate ball yet he can also tackle and ruck like a forward.

Lee Thomas had, I believe, his best game in a Sale shirt. He was all over the field, chasing down the bombs that Charlie sent deep down in to the Bristol 22 and putting in big tackles on our own five-metre line.

On the other hand there were also one or two problems that need to be ironed out. Our scrum was on the back foot for most of the match.

We also continue to give away too many penalties. It may not have cost us yesterday but in the coming weeks against the likes of Gloucester, Wasps and Sarries, soft and unnecessary penalties could well be the difference between winning and losing.

We came away with a deserved victory.

The tactics may well have not been to everyone's taste but you can't please all the people all of the time. Obviously it would've been nice to get the bonus point and watch a thrilling and exciting spectacle, but I'll gladly settle for a win and winning ugly at this stage.

After all we need to win probably four out of six games while our internationals are away if we're to be in with any chance of competing for honours at the end of the season.