SALE Academy of Dancing is to close at Easter in order to merge with the Stalder Academy in Sale.

Jane Bancroft, known to her pupils as Miss Susan Jane O’Neill, is retiring.  

Since 1943 when the school was founded by Jane’s mother, Mary Wilde, they have enjoyed a dovetailed relationship with Sale Nomads.

Jane said: “I hope our pupils will continue to thrive as they integrate with the Stalder Academy of Dance and that they will follow in our footsteps and continue to support the Nomads’ shows.

“Marina Stalder has been so kind and helpful with the process of merging with them.”

Jane’s mother retired in 1976 and handed the academy  over to her pupil, Muriel Spavin, nee Coakley.

Two years after that, Jane became assistant principal.

But not before, in her teens, she had danced in pantos at the Davenport Theatre, Stockport, and became a dancer/part-time Redcoat at Butlin’s holiday camp in Barry Island.

Back in 1972, she was asked to appear for three months in Musical Theatre in Portugal. She ended up staying for six years.

When she took over the academy in 2004 Jane said:  “I like seeing shy little girls blossom when they do a show.”

That is still the case.

Jane said: “The awful thing is if we don’t get in the studio at the Nomads Theatre Club before Easter, I face saying goodbye to my pupils at Zoom classes.

“I would like to thank Sale Nomads for their help and support over 35 years both during Muriel’s reign and my own.”