CALLS have been made for a toll bridge between Trafford and Warrington to be brought under council control.

Warburton Toll Bridge is owned and managed by the Manchester Ship Canal Company (MSCC), itself owned by Peel Ports, who want to invest £6.5 million to improve and repair it.

Before the pandemic, the bridge saw on average 9500 vehicles each weekday, and 6500 each day at the weekend.

The bridge might have its charge increased for the first time in 120 years to fund the ‘much-needed’ improvements for the route, but this will not come into effect for two or three years, the owners explained.

The charge to cross the bridge is currently just 12p. MSCC has proposed to increase that in the coming years to £1, but there would be a discount for residents and other frequent users.

Last week Warrington’s MPs called for the bridge to be brought into council ownership.

Conservative Andy Carter and Labour’s Charlotte Nichols both told the BBC that the bridge should be run by local authorities 'in the public interest'.

MSCC estimates the cost of repair works to the bridge to be at least £15 million.

Trafford Council said it supports plans for upgrades to the bridge, the introduction of a automatic number plate recognition system and the increase in the toll charge in order to facilitate these improvements.

They gave no comment on the MPs' suggestion to move the bridge into council ownership.

A spokesperson for Trafford Council said: “As people will be aware, this is a privately owned bridge operated by Peel and Trafford Council has no say in how it is operated.

“We do support the proposal to upgrade the bridge, and introduce an automatic number plate recognition system, which should reduce traffic congestion. We recognise that the toll fee would have to increase and believe this should be heavily discounted for local residents and those who use the bridge on a regular basis.”

A spokesperson for MSCC said: “We operate and manage the Manchester Ship Canal and this extends to the Rixton and Warburton Toll Bridge. In 1863 an Act of Parliament set the toll and to the best of our knowledge we are the only private toll facility in England not to have asked road users for a toll increase since that very date, taking into consideration the introduction of VAT into the costs in 2003.

 “We recognise that the bridge is in need of extensive repair work, as well as renovations, it will provide a modern, free-flowing crossing for road users, improving reliability and cutting journey times.

 “After liaising with both Warrington Council and Trafford Council, we’ve undertaken this non-statutory consultation to ascertain public feedback, which we intend to summarise and publish in September prior to commencing the formal Transport and Works Act Order process later this year.

“Suggestions raised by local residents and bridge users, for Local Highway Authorities or the government to take responsibility for the investment seem extremely unlikely, but if local or national governments wish to explore, this is still an option. Feedback from the relevant parties however suggest there is no appetite to take responsibility for the bridge and remove the toll charges.

“The new toll will provide the most sustainable way of funding the improvement required, as well as safeguard against future repair and maintenance work – no action is not a sustainable way forward.”

Written comments for the consultation should be submitted no later than Friday 20 August via email to

MSCC’s investment plan for the bridge can be viewed at