AN ORCHESTRA is to celebrate its return to action with a composition that sounds like an appliance.

Edgar Divver composed 'Ode to a Fallen Washing Machine' for Sale Chamber Orchestra two and a half years ago, but the performance was postponed as a result of the pandemic.

In March, the orchestra of around 30 string players is to perform the piece at last at its home of St Paul's Church on Springfield Road in Sale.

Edgar, who also plays the violin, told The Messenger of his excitement as the performance approaches.

He said: "It's been a long time coming. In lockdown, I wasn't sure it was ever going to be performed. I'm excited to see what the reaction is."

Explaining the inspiration for the ode, the composer, musician and music teacher from London, who now lives in Lymm, told the story of a washing machine no longer with us.

Messenger Newspapers: Edgar and his composition (Image: Rebecca Renshaw).Edgar and his composition (Image: Rebecca Renshaw).

He said: "I lived near Central Manchester in a two-bed terrace. There was a washing machine which worked, but it was so old. It made the most horrendous sound. It sounded like you were trying to chainsaw some metal.

"I tried to leave the house when I did a wash. The neighbours two doors down used to ask 'Have you done a wash today?'"

One day, though, Edgar had to be at home on laundry day. It was this that inspired him to compose his piece imitating the ailing appliance.

He said: "It was making an absolute racket. It was hard to tune it out. But I realised a lot of the rhythms and sounds were really interesting."

"As I was finishing the piece, the washing machine died. I was almost fond of it by this point. There's a yearning moment towards the end."

Sale Chamber Orchestra's performance of 'Ode to a Fallen Washing Machine' is at St Paul's Church on March 19 at 7.30pm. For information and tickets, visit