A man has been charged with murder and causing grievous bodily harm after a man in his 30s and a teenage boy were stabbed on a night out in Altrincham.

The emergency services received reports of an incident on Goose Green at around 3am on Sunday.

On arrival, the paramedics and police officers found a 31-year-old man, Rico Burton, and an unnamed 17-year-old boy, both of whom received first aid from bystanders.

They were taken to hospital, but Mr Burton, boxer Tyson Fury's cousin, died a short time afterwards.

The 17-year-old boy is in a stable condition, although with life-changing injuries.

A murder investigation was started and two men, aged 21 and 20, were arrested.

On Tuesday, police said the 21-year-old man, Liam O'Pray, of no fixed address, was charged with murder and causing grievous bodily harm. 

O'Pray is set to appear at Manchester Magistrates' Court.

The 20-year-old man was released under investigation.

On Sunday, at a press conference outside Altrincham Police Station, Superintendent Ben Ewart said: "Can I take this opportunity first and foremost to offer my condolences to Rico's family and friends. Can I also praise the members of the public who stepped in and provided first aid.

"This is without doubt a senseless attack and both victims should have returned home this morning after enjoying a night out with friends."

And in a post on social media, boxer Tyson Fury said: "My cousin was murdered last night, stabbed in the neck, this is becoming ridiculous idiots carry knives.

"This needs to stop ASAP, the UK Government needs to bring higher sentencing for knife crime, it's a pandemic and you don't know how bad it is until it's one of your own.

"Life is very precious and it can be taken away very quick enjoy every moment.

"RIP Rico Burton. May the lord god grant you a good place in heaven. See you soon."

Anyone with information is asked to contact police on 101, or to use an online portal.

People can also contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

This article was written by Jack Tooth. Jack is the reporter for The Messenger and covers anything and everything from within the Metropolitan Borough of Trafford.

To contact him, email jack.tooth@newsquest.co.uk or follow @JTRTooth on Twitter.