Telecoms giant EE have been refused permission to put up a near-60ft high telecoms mast in Sale.

EE was asking for prior approval for the mast along with two dishes, and equipment cabinets at the boundary of a playing field on Manor Avenue.

Three objections were submitted to Trafford’s planning department complaining that Existing masts already have a detrimental impact on the appearance of the area.

One said that there are plenty of spaces in Sale that do not impact on people living. “[It] will be a total eyesore from the bedroom windows.

“This will be directly opposite my home and will massively affect the view out of the windows at the front of my property. 

“[It] will cause distress to family by having such an ugly eyesore directly outside bedroom windows.”

Documents on Trafford’s planning portal said: “It is recognised that the applicant has submitted details of twenty alternative sites that have been discounted for a variety of reasons.

“Despite this, the search area clearly covers a wide geographical area and it is considered that it has not been adequately demonstrated that there are no less detrimental alternatives than the current proposal.”

They said that it is also recognised that the pole would provide public benefits in terms of improved telecommunications infrastructure.

But it went on: “However, it is considered that the identified harm to the visual appearance and character of the street scene would be significant and that, in this case, the public benefits would not outweigh this harm.”