Residents at a care home in Sale have been reading a well-known story to nursery children.

Children from the Banana Moon Nursery visited residents at Care UK’s Oakfield Croft, on Oakfield, for a Gruffalo themed afternoon.

On the day, residents Anne Orton, 90, Dorothy Jean Taylor, 94, Fred Bellamy, 97, and Martha Byrne, 86, read the popular children’s book ‘The Gruffalo’ by Julia Donaldson to the children, discussing their favourite stories and characters.

The team adorned the lounge with Gruffalo themed bunting, balloons and cupcakes, and team member, Jasmine Massey, dressed up as the Gruffalo, creating an immersive experience for the youngsters.

After the reading session, residents enjoyed helping the children get arty and led a colouring session. The day was topped off with a sing song including ‘The Spring Song’ and ‘I’m a Spring Chicken’.

Ann Orton, aged 90, said: “I really enjoyed the day, it was lovely to read to the children and chat about the book and their favourite characters, the children were really good and I would love to do it again.”

Dan Cole, Home Manager at Oakfield Croft, said: “We always enjoy opening our doors to the local community, so it was fantastic to be joined by children from Banana Moon Nursery.

“Intergenerational activities are incredibly enriching for all ages and provide a fantastic opportunity for residents and children to interact with one another.

“It’s fantastic to host this session to allow the two generations to spend time with one another.

“We thoroughly enjoyed hosting the Gruffalo session with the children and hope that we have helped them to continue building a love of reading.”