Final details of plans to build a three-storey apartment block in the grounds of a former pub and which has also been transformed into an apart-hotel have been submitted.

They relate to the Throstles Nest on Seymour Grove, Old Trafford, where applicant Shaukat Iqbal wants to put up the block to accommodate eight homes.

The Throstles Nest has already been transformed into a complex of 15 apartments advertised for rent to visitors, after the old pub was replaced by the current building.

An outline application was presented to Trafford council’s planning portal in October 2022, but now more detailed proposals – known as ‘reserved matters’ – have been tabled.

Land at the front and rear of the building is intended to provide car parking for residents.

At the time of the original application two objections were raised, citing ‘inadequate parking provision’ and highlighting that residents of Throstles Nest were already parking on Seymour Grove.

They also claimed the area around Throstles Nest was experiencing anti-social behaviour.

The new application is for details relating to the appearance, landscaping, layout and access to the new apartment block.

It also includes a drainage and construction management plan.

Secure cycle, bin storage, charging points for electrical vehicles, and lighting, are also covered in the fresh submission.