Investigations are continuing into a number of incidents of criminal damage to businesses across Greater Manchester, including one in Altrincham.

Since October 9 last year, 21 incidents of criminal damage to businesses have taken place across the city-region.

The incidents, which have all happened between October 9 and July 1, have all been of a similar nature and have seen windows being smashed and red paint thrown over the buildings.

The damage caused to these businesses is estimated to value hundreds of thousands of pounds.

Of the 14 arrests so far, eight have been charged, five remain on police bail whilst enquiries continue and one is in custody for interview.

Today (Thursday, July 4), a 29-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to commit criminal damage relating to 11 incidents across Greater Manchester.

Detective Inspector Jill Billington of Greater Manchester Police (GMP), who is leading the investigations, said: “These incidents have undoubtedly caused significant disruption to these businesses, but even more so to members of the public who work there. Many are now in fear of further criminality taking place.

“It is also not just the businesses and employees that are impacted, but the wider community including people who need to access the services, such as vulnerable people who need to attend in person. We want everyone to feel safe in our towns and cities.

“We recognise that there will be people who wish to participate in peaceful and organised protest. However, these incidents of damage have crossed the line into criminality. Such behaviour won’t be tolerated, and we will take action.”

A portal for the public to submit CCTV, dashcam or mobile phone footage of these incidents which may help the police's investigations has been opened by GMP.