A talented Altrincham schoolgirl has claimed the top prize in an annual NHS contest, beating almost 2000 other entries.

Aarna Wagh, a Year five student from Elmridge School Primary School bagged the national accolade in the 2024 Step into the NHS primary school competition.

The contest is aimed at promoting awareness of the multifaceted nature of NHS careers.

Nine-year-old Aarna's winning project combined multimedia and word art to delve into the diverse spectrum of roles within the expanding healthcare institution.

The engaging piece also showcased some of the NHS's 350-plus career paths and highlighted captivating facts about the national health service.

Aarna Wagh said: "I loved the competition because it put things I enjoy to do into a piece of work that shows the importance of the NHS and the wide range of roles there are.

"It was one of my favourite ideas and I thoroughly enjoyed making it using an app on my iPad which allowed me to draw my entry."

Celebrating her victory, Aarna's project was showcased on an environmentally friendly digivan that balances CO2 emissions.

Additionally, she received a framed certificate, a £50 Amazon voucher, and a goody bag filled with exciting items.

Chris Cutts, director of workforce, Training and Education at NHS England - North West, praised Aarna's effort, he said: "I am in awe of Aarna’s creativity and successful portrayal of the passionate NHS workforce.

"My warm congratulations to Aarna, and a huge thank you to everyone, especially students and teachers, who got involved, including Leon Pieterzak from our North West NHS England Widening Participation Team for his enthusiasm in promoting the competition across the North West."

Mrs Lauren Douglas, Aarna’s teacher at Elmridge School Primary School, added: "We are so incredibly proud of Aarna and the artwork she produced.

"It shows Aarna's respect for the NHS and the jobs each and every person does that creates such a wonderful service in our country."

The Step into the NHS competition serves as a remarkable resource to boost awareness about the more than 350 career opportunities within the health institution.