As the dust settles on a hard-fought General Election campaign, it is only right that I start my first article since polling day by thanking Stretford and Urmston residents for putting your faith in me and Labour to deliver the change the country needs after 14 years of failed Conservative Government and economic chaos.

I am a Trafford lad born and bred, so it is incredibly humbling to be re-elected as your MP, which is the honour of my life. This victory felt extra special as it helped bring Labour back into power at a time when Britain was crying out for a fresh start and serious leadership to get us through the huge challenges that we face.

Alongside creating a cost-of-living crisis and cutting frontline services to the bone, the Conservatives have left a toxic legacy of stoking division across the country and using grave issues as a political football.

This is why it was so important that Sir Keir struck the right tone in his first speech on the steps of Downing Street. I was delighted to see the Prime Minister use this as an opportunity to make crystal clear that every decision we make will put the country first and party second. Crucially, this Labour Government will also work closely with all devolved leaders and Metro Mayors – regardless of political stripe – to build a bright future for Britain.

With the King’s Speech, we wasted no time in setting out our ambitious and fully costed programme for change. From reforming the planning system so that we can build 1.5 million much needed new homes and setting up Great British Energy to cut bills for working people and make us a clean energy superpower, to improving mental health provision, transforming bus services and putting more bobbies on the beat, we will grow the economy, make our public services fit for the future, and ensure that every corner of the country is better off.  

The Chancellor’s address on July 19 put the Tories' reckless handling of the country’s finances under the spotlight. Rachel Reeves revealed a £22 billion black hole and a long list of uncosted plans, which means that we must make more tough decisions to give us economic stability. It is crucial that we end the Conservatives’ record of playing fast and loose with taxpayer money.

As your MP I will do everything I can to improve the lives of all residents and champion our Stretford and Urmston community. I am also cracking on with my new role as Minister for Transformation in the Department for Work and Pensions and will keep you posted on my work to help deliver Labour’s missions for building a better, fairer Britain.

Andrew Western is the MP for Stretford and Urmston.