Town hall bosses have lifted a ‘financially crippling’ stop notice which had been preventing construction of an 85-bed care home in Trafford.

A planning application from Montpelier Estates and Peel Investments for the facility at Plot 1 of the Trafford Waters site was approved last year. 

However, there have been follow-up amendments to the plan relating to the doors and windows of the three-storey building which were proving a sticking point between Montpelier and the Trafford planning team.

It has now been agreed that within six months of the granting of the new conditions, more details including ‘the form and materials’ being used for the doors and windows will be submitted to town hall planners.

A letter from Framptons planning consultants to the planning departments said: “The continued presence of the temporary stop notice is financially crippling to Montpellier Estates. 

"You have an undertaking from Montpellier Estates that no further windows or doors will be placed in position until said details are approved.

“Montpellier Estates urgently needs to continue with this development – excluding the installation of doors and windows – to avoid catastrophe with the delivery of this project.

“I can see no public interest being served by continuing the severe restraint on building operations – other than the installation of doors and windows.”

It asked Trafford to ‘act reasonably’ as the differences between Montpellier and the planners was confined to the ‘form profile, material and external appearance of the windows’.

The letter added: “A partial completion of this development in the form it presently exists in would, if Monpellier Estates were unable to proceed, would not portray a good public representation of future interest at Trafford Waters.”

The decision to approve the lifting of the stop notice with conditions was posted on Trafford’s planning portal.