It’s less than two months since I had the privilege of becoming the first Labour MP for Altrincham and Sale West.

It’s the honour of a lifetime to serve our great community and I wanted to use this column to let you know what I’ve been doing to be the active, visible MP you deserve.

During the campaign, I promised to champion all that was special about Altrincham and Sale West, and I’ve done just that, attending community events all over the constituency.

Helping with a litter pick in Woodstock Park and joining the ‘Altrincham in Bloom’ volunteers was a reminder of the community spirit that makes our area the wonderful place to live that it is. Visiting our many independent businesses was a reminder of the amazing culture, retail and leisure scene Altrincham and Sale West has to offer - something I'll always look to promote as your MP.

I also promised to fight for our area, and I’ve done that, meeting with the Leader of Trafford Council and with Andy Burnham to raise the issues that matter to residents and ensure that your voices are always heard.

I promised to tackle crime and I’ve been in regular dialogue with Greater Manchester’s policing lead, Kate Green, both on the appalling riots we have seen in our region and on what support the police need to keep our communities safe.

I promised to tackle sewage pollution and I’ve already reported the state of Caldwell Brook to the Environment Agency, supported measures in Parliament to introduce tough new rules on water companies, and written to the CEO of United Utilities to request an urgent meeting about sewage dumping in local waterways.

In Parliament, I’ve voted to support the introduction of legislation that will make a real difference in Altrincham and Sale West, including measures to build the housing we need and to take back control of our broken transport system.

Of course, there’s much more to do. I know the recommendation of the Trafford Locality Board to permanently close the Minor Injuries Unit at Altrincham Hospital will be of great concern to many residents. Whilst I recognise the pressure our NHS is under after 14 years of Tory Government, this facility was a service people relied on, and it was vital to reducing pressure on our local A&E. I’ll be writing to the Integrated Care Board to urge them to reconsider and will raise this case in Parliament.

Thank you to everyone in the community I've met this summer for showing me how you make our area so great. With Parliament returning next week, I’m looking forward to continuing to give Altrincham and Sale West the voice it deserves in Westminster.

Connor Rand is the MP for Altrincham and Sale West.