A HORSE had to be put down after it escaped from its field near the Trafford Centre and was hit by an ambulance.

The trotter horse escaped along with three other horses being kept at the site, through a hole in the fencing made by youths on scramble bikes.

Wanda Humphries rents the land for grazing from United Utilities, she told SUM: "It couldn't be a more secure site, it's concrete panels with concrete posts.

"It just looks as though kids on motorbikes have smashed through the concrete walls. They've made four holes, two on each side so they can make a full circle through the fields."

Police were contacted at around 9pm on Wednesday October 16 after they received reports that horses were out on the road.

Before they could be removed from the road, one of the horses collided with a paramedic vehicle. The horse suffered a broken leg and had to be put down.

"It's just mindless," Wanda continued. "We feel strongly about it because it's ours, but it could have caused a big accident especially so close to the motorway."