THE Chairman Mrs Beck opened the October meeting.

It was reported that a planned walk had to be abandoned because of heavy rain, but that members enjoyed a lunch at 'The Swan with Two Nicks'.

Outings to the theatre to see 'Miss Saigon' and The British Ballet are being planned.

Members were also invited to help the art and crafts section in making articles for the Christmas coffee morning, which will be held at the Jubilee Rooms on November 21.

Mr W Ball gave a most interesting talk on Barton Airport.

He gave the history and present day usage of the airport, which he illustrated with slides.

The next meeting will be on November 13 when the subject will be 'British Butterflies'.

The charity table is 'Autumn Tints'.

Articles for the fancy goods section at the Christmas coffee morning would be greatly appreciated.

All enquiries regarding the Guild to the Secretary 980 2584.