BRIAN Yates (letters October 4) must be eith-er too young to remem-ber or too old, because his memory fails him. The other possibility is that he is a newcomer to Urmston.

Before we had the cement monstrosity call-ed the precinct, we had some well looked after, indiv-idual shops, which catered for most res-idents needs.

I recall these shops on Flixton Road, Crofts Bank Road and on Sta-tion Road we had several varieties of shops includ-ing the pet shop near to the old Victorian pub, Dewhursts butchers etc, etc.

We also had a band-stand in Davyhulme Park, where concerts could be enjoyed on Sun-day afternoon and eve-ning.

The park had lovely gar-dens and two ponds with fish and water lil-ies.

We had three cinemas, a decent baths with a civic hall to the rear, which held dances and which were well attend-ed.

Many church organis-ations had youth clubs and Urmston Urb-an Dis-t-rict Council, cared about the village.

What have we got now? A litter-strewn pre-cinct and car park, est-ate agents, banks or build-ing societies and many cheap and nasty outlets.

We have no proper amenities for our young people apart from night-clubs and pubs.

Try walking down Flixton Road on a Friday or Saturday night and enjoy the verbal abuse, swearing, fighting and urinating in shops door-ways.

What has happened to our police station that used to be open 24 hours, 365 days a year, with it's own inspector, who walk-ed the streets with his policemen and spoke to people.

A few hanging baskets and tubs and a couple of strings of pathetic fairy lights at Christmas don't make up for what we used to enjoy.

BP Warren, Cornhill Ave-nue, Urmston