POLICE: Area bobbies for Altrincham, Broadheath, Hale and Timperley 856-7527. For Sale and Sale Moor 856-7865(non emergency calls only).

DIAL Trafford (Disablement Information and Advice Line): 865-5021

AGE Concern Trafford: 747-9901

VICTIMS Support: 0845-3030900

HELPLINE: FCL free counselling and listening service 941-4011

MARRIAGE Care counselling: 969-3331

TRAFFORD Cancer Aid and Listening Line: 747-2452.

GAS: Emergencies - 864-3330. Service calls and enquiries - 865-8600

WATER: Emergencies - 747-6066. General enquiries - 747-9797

ELECTRICITY: Emergencies: 225-2900. General: 224-9696


ENVIRONMENT Agency: To report all environmental incidents: 0800-807060

ALTRINCHAM CAB, Town Hall, Market Street: 928-1129.

SALE CAB, 73 Chapel Road: 973-9175.


TRAFFORD Alcohol Info: 976-3366.