Altrincham have fired a warning to the long list of clubs chasing Chris Conn-Clarke and insisted they will not waver on their valuation of the in-demand attacking midfielder.

Alty are bracing themselves for the likely elevation of Conn-Clarke to EFL status during the summer after a season in which his all-round brilliance and sheer weight of goals had scouts from clubs as highly-placed as the Championship flocking to The J.Davidson Stadium.

In an exceptional campaign for the entire Alty team, Conn-Clarke consistently stood out with a number of dazzling displays and a combined tally of goals (23) and assists (12) that outshone everyone in the National League.

But while they have no wish to stand in the way of the 22-year old playing at a higher level, they are just as unequivocal he will not be allowed to leave for less than his true worth.

In an interview with Radio Alty, football director Rob Esteva underlined the club’s stance by saying: “Everyone knows it’s going to be difficult for us to keep Chris, but it has to be right for the club as well as for him.

“We have received a couple of offers already, but they have been turned down. The reality is we won’t let him go if teams don’t meet our valuation, and the offers we have had so far don’t come close.

“It’s not crazy money we’re asking, it’s a realistic assessment of his worth, based on the benchmark of other players and the realisation that Chris has out-performed so many of them.

“It will be incredibly sad if he does go, but we always back ourselves, and I’m confident we will once more have one of the best attacks in the division next season, with or without Chris.”

Alty’s plan to hold on to the bulk of the squad that reached last season’s play-offs has now reached fruition. As well as a list of retained players, there were four who were offered new terms, and all of them - Elliot Osborne, Matty Kosylo, Matt Gould and Owen German - have accepted.