RE: Services have been cut to provide new route' SAM October 19 In response to Jacqui Deans' letter regarding the number 20 bus service I would like to take the opportunity to make some clarifications.

Since de-regulation of the bus industry in 1986, the vast majority of bus services throughout Greater Manchester are run by individual bus companies on a commercial basis. GMPTE and Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Authority have no jurisdiction over the routes operated or fares charged on these services.

The authority does, however, fund certain replacement services where changes to commercial routes leave an area with no bus service.

Ms Deans states that the former 19 and 19A bus services were "cut as a result of the new number 20". This is not true. Arriva decided to reroute service 19 and withdraw service 19A for commercial reasons.

Following this decision by the operator, and for the benefit of passengers, the Passenger Transport Authority stepped in to help fund the new number 20 service with the support of Manchester Airport. Had the authority not done this there would be no service whatsoever.

Unfortunately, our budget is simply not large enough to fund exact like-for-like replacement services in every case. And in this instance the route of the number 20 provides a service for more passengers.

We currently invest millions of pounds into the bus industry every year but have no control over where or how often commercial services operate. We are therefore lobbying the Government for major changes to the system which would allow us to effectively plan the whole network.

Councillor Roland Griffin, Altrincham spokesperson GMPTA