I AM NOT a killjoy and I am all for keeping up the tradition of Guy Fawkes Night.

Whether you are celebrating the failure to blow up the Parliament of 1605, or acknowledging a brave man, I feel that the clebration is important and part of our English heritage.

A shame then that some selfish inconsiderate morons take the noise and total annoyance into the Sunday after we had endured two nights already.

Sunday is a day that myself and others look forward to as a day of peace and quiet.

You do not have to be religious to enjoy the rest and contemplation at the end of a busy week at work.

Neither is it the youth who are tho blame because in no way can they afford the amount of fireworks that are set off from various gardens in the area.

My elderly sister lives near to a man who uses his buzz saw all Sunday and every Sunday (making her quality of life hell). He then proceeded well into Sunday night setting off various noisy fireworks. He does not have any children.

Margaret Densley, Croft Bank Road, Urmston