COULD you please advise me where I can obtain a copy of the Highway Code for cyclists, which appears to be entirely different from the normal one.

During the past week I have seen the following: * A cyclist riding down the wrong side of a main road at night with no lights.

* Two youngsters under 14 riding bikes at night all over the road, again with no lights.

* A young boy, without warning, swerving in front of a line of traffic on Moorside Road.

Furthermore, I have yet to see a cyclist observe a red traffic light and actually stop.

Motorists are not allowed on the road unaccompanied until they have passed a test, and the time has now come to introduce a similar test for cyclists. Without such regulation, they remain a danger, not only to themselves but to other law-abiding safety conscious road users.

Robert Barker, Humphrey Park, Urmston.