IT was great see the improved emphasis that is now being placed on encouraging youngsters to enroll in an apprenticeship programme.

The benefits to successful individuals are tremendous and journeymen who have completed the UK programme are in demand universally and certainly in the Alberta oil patch.

I completed the programme with a company in Mellors Road, Trafford Park, from 1958 to 1964, and achieved HNC in electrical engineering.

I came to Edmonton, Alberta, in 1976 and now am now retired after working in electrical maintenance. The past last 30 years were as an electrical superintendent and then a maintenance manager for a cement manufacturing plant.

It was also interesting to see that the apprenticeship programme was "rolled out" at Old Trafford, my second home for many years.

I still enjoy keeping in touch via the Messenger each Thursday.

Good luck with programme.

Patrick) Dowling

Fort Saskatchewan
